Truth Disclaimer

Conscious Stream of Wonder
1 min readFeb 12, 2021

No piece of writing, nor spoken word, can ever be complete Truth.

Every word is a part description OF truth, but not IT.

To attempt to write ‘truth’ would require a lot of ‘quotation marks’ to represent the ‘truth’ that none of these ‘words’ are actually ‘true’ for they are all just human ‘constructs’ and ways ‘we’ have developed to try and ‘understand’ ‘real’ ‘truth’.

Every word could be dismantled to show it is not ‘true’, but rather an attempt to explain the ‘unexplainable’ in words. But making a disclaimer that nothing you say or write is actually ‘true’ every time before you say or write it gets old rather quickly.

Those who understand this know it to be so, and every conversation eventually comes full circle — to the knowingness of this. Making conversations and debates around the topic seem superfluous or entirely redundant. But we live in a time when conversion is socially appropriate and needed to come closer to the Truth.

Most people still find silence boring or uncomfortable.

Thus until the day all Truth is held peacefully in silence, we will continue talking, and I will continue writing.



Conscious Stream of Wonder Wonder is the catalyst for grace. I wonder and therefore am open to receiving all possibilities in presence.